Yes, it is that time -- time to announce the winners of my 2017 Birthday Giveaway! First, some new residents will be here to help out!
Sound of loud music is heard! "Dadada da, datada dadadada, Oh yeah, Dadadada, datada tadadada!" |
"Hello everybody, I am Babs, daughter of Barbie from the old band, Barbie and the Rockers! Me and some of the other kids of the old Rockers are forming a band called "The New Rockers". My sister, Pink, is here with me today. We will hopefully soon be joined by some of the other offspring of the old Rockers." |
"Hey all, I am Pink twin sister to Babs -- she told you that right???! Anyway, I play the guitar and also am one of the lead singers in the band. She told you we were the "New Rockers", right? Anyway, we are waiting to hear from -- oh, she told you that already! OK, let me introduce you to our guest drummer, our eldest sister, Millie. She is great on the drums, but she is attending law school, so she doesn't have the time for our band. |
"Boom, tap tap, boom tap tap" you hear an epic drum solo! "Hi! As my little sister said, I am Millie and am sitting in for now on the drums. Having grown up in a Rock and Roll family, it was only natural for me to partake in something musical. While I love playing the drums, it is not what I want to do for the rest of my life, so I only do it once in a while now. My truest love is the law and I am attending law school! Next up is key boardist Rocky Blue." |
"Heyyy, Rocky Blue here on the keyboards! I normally play in another band, but I might decide to stay with "The New Rockers". They are a fun group and I don't think they currently have anyone in mind for the board. And with a name like "Rocky", don't ya think it is meant for me to be a Rocker???!! We will see! Last but not least, we have the guest backup singers and dancers!" |
Babs: "So are you ready to hear who the winners are??!!!" Pink: "Drum roll please!" |
"Ratatat, ratatattat, ratatat! Clang!" |
"Thank you, Millie! OK, now what you have been waiting for! Phyllis decided to have a first and second place winner for each drawing. That means there are 2 US winners and 2 International winners. The winners for the US are: |
First Place goes to: JEWELL!!!!!!
Second Place goes to: Graciegreen!!!!
Congratulations to you both!!!
"The International winners are: |
First Place goes to: Last Alliance Studios!!!
Second Place goes to: Monstercrafts!!!!
Congratulations to all of the winners. To claim your prizes, please send an email with your name and shipping information to:
"Pssst, do you want to see what they one??? Applause required if you do!" Loud applause is heard from somewhere, so it is assumed you all want to see what they won! |
Babs: "Here are the prizes for the first place winner in the US, Jewell!"
Pink: "I know you can't see this very well, we had to turn off the flash as the plastic covering caused a glare. But, Jewell, what you are getting is a 2017 Birthday Wishes AA Barbie, #9 Ken Fashionista Plaid on Point - Slim, a dinnette set and a fashion pack for Original sized Barbie. What is not pictured but what you will also get is a fashion outfit for Ken and some miscellaneous handmade or other small items."
Pink: "And here are the prizes for the second place winner in the US! Graciegreen!"
Babs: "Ok, Graciegreen, you have won 2 brand new dolls -- a Barbie Fasionista #64 Lovin' Leopard - Curvy, and a vintage NRFB Barbie Go Red for Women (circa 2007). Plus, you have a Barbie Fashion pack original size, but rumor has it that they will fit on your curvy doll too. Also, I heard you will be getting some handmade items too!"
Babs: "Here is the first place prize for the International Giveaway! This is for you, Last Alliance Studios."
Pink: "Yes, you have won 2 new Fashionistas - #63 Platinum Pop - Curvy Barbie and a #11 Hyped on Stripes - Slim Ken. You are also getting a hammock set and a Barbie clothing pack sized for original and a Ken outfit. This might be a little big for the slim Ken, but I think he should be able to wear it!" Congrats Last Alliance Studios!" |
Pink: "And here are the prizes for the International second place winner, Monstercrafts."
Babs: "Monstercrafts, you have won a brand new Barbie Careers Scientist doll and a #7 Fashionista Ken Preppy Check - Original. In addition to that, you have won a very nice Barbie fashion pack in original size. You too are also getting something handmade!" |
Well, I see "The New Rockers" have done a fine job of announcing the winners for my special birthday giveaway. Winners, don't forget to email me with your personal information so that I can get these shipped out to you. Please try to get them to me by September 17th. Just a reminder that I may remove some of the packaging when shipping to reduce shipping costs. I do hope everyone is happy with their prizes!
Tata for now!