
Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Here is wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us at Hanaly Corners!

We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!  Look forward to seeing you all in 2018!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Hello Dolly Friends!

I know it has been a while since I last posted, but that doesn't mean I have been idle in terms of dolls! No way! I have purchased a few more of the Fashionista in that time and have been diligently working on my new doll room. So, over the next few posts, I will give you updates on what is happening with that project! 

First, here are some photos of the new Kens I got.

Fashionista Kens from L to R: #13 Distressed Denim-Broad, #9 Plaid on Point-Slim, #10 Classic Cool-Original, #12 Chill in Check-Broad, #11 Hyped on Stripes-Slim and #8 Cameo Comeback-Broad

As is true to my nature, I have rebodied most of them onto poseable bodies. I mean, you know I can't have dolls without articulation, right????šŸ˜ Here is a little detail on who got what body.
Plaid on Point on a Liv Jake Body. I rebodied him so fast, I didn't take a before photo!

He is not a bad looking fellow, right? BTW, the skintone match is better in person.

Here he is under different lighting.
Classic Cool is on a Fashion Royalty AA Homme Body

He didn't fit into the Ken pants, so he has a pair of Action Figure pants from eBay. Note, I also didn't take any before photos of him on his original body. His skin tone match is better in person too.

Hyped on stripes also got immediately rebodied, so no before photos. He is on an Ever After High Hunter Body

As you can see, this is very good skintone match for him. He also fits well in the Slim Ken clothes.

Cameo Ken was given a Mattel Superman body from the Batman vs Superman movie. He will get new more relaxed hands soon.

He does look great on this body, doesn't he? He is wearing Texas A&M Ken pants, which fit this body nicely. 

Here he is on his original body.

#13 Distressed Denim (aka "Man Bun" Ken) Before Rebody

Distressed Denim on a World Box AT012 Body (What a hunk!) He has had no problem attracting ladies with this new body!

Note: Chill in Check did not have a body match in an articulated body, so I am working on a few options for him!

Stay tuned!