I know that it has been a long time since I have posted on my blog. I am not going to give you all a long story about why, suffice it to say I had a lot going on.
My youngest daughter is currently in Europe on a school trip to France and Spain. We have talked or texted almost every day. She fell in love with Paris! After 4 days there, they moved on to Barcelona and will be ending the trip in Madrid. I am so happy that she was given this opportunity. It was a chance of a lifetime for her.
Even though I haven't posted, I have been reading your blog posts and have managed to comment on many of the posts. I really have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your pictures!
Thanks to the draw of the internet and online shopping, I have not gone on a buying hiatus. I have continued to purchase many dolls! This could be considered a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it! I just could not resist the new dolls from Mattel and I think I have most of the new Fashionista's now plus a few others!
The first doll I wanted to talk about is the Misty Copeland doll from The Barbie Collection. I ordered her almost on the moment she became available, but she was very quickly placed on backorder. After receiving 2 emails extending her backorder date, I finally decided to order her from Amazon to take advantage of the Prime free shipping and some credits I had from Amazon. After reading Debbie of Black Doll Collecting's issues with orders from Amazon for this doll, I decided to wait to see mine before cancelling my order from The Barbie Collection. She arrived just 2 days after I placed the order, and she and her box were in perfect condition! Here are some photos:
She arrived in perfect condition from Amazon! |
Look, no dents!
If you know me at all, you know that I don't leave many of my dolls in their boxes. They always seem to be screaming to me: "Free me from this box please, free me!" Which I did! I have not removed her costume at this point, but I probably will as I want to compare her body to the Made to Move Bodies. Here are some pictures of her out of the box.

Her body is identified as the "New Ballet Body". She seems to be able to pose very elegantly. Some things I noticed with her ballet costume still on are that she does not have moveable ankles which means her feet are always in point (similar to Alvin Alley and some of the other collector ballerina dolls). Her calves are larger that other Barbie dolls, which is good because she definitely looks like a Ballet dancer. Her costume is well padded around her breasts making them look larger than they are. She does have a very pretty face. At some point, I will probably undress her even though her costume is sewed on. At the point that I do, I will share more photos of her body.
Next up, I also purchased the Wave II Made to Move dolls from Amazon. They are available at Amazon, but I still have not seen them at any of the Mattel sites. One of them is called "Orange Top" and the other is just Made to Move Barbie Doll.
Made to Move Orange Top |
Made to Move Orange Top (very clever name, don't you think?!) She has the Kayla facemold and is very tan. Her skintone is pretty close to a perfect match for Nikki. Did I purchase multiples of her for body swapping? Yup!
Made to Move Barbie Doll. They didn't give her a unique designation, but I am calling her "Redhead". |
MTM Redhead has, well, red hair and freckles. Here faceup is very close to the Western Chic Fashionista. Her skintone is pretty much the same as the MTM Blonde Barbie.
I have been working on doll houses and other diorama items as well as some stories for the future. Story telling is a lot more work than I originally anticipated, but I still hope to more regularly post stories in the future.
Thanks for stopping by! I welcome your comments.